Annual Update for Human Rights
Omar Ha-Redeye spoke at the Ontario Bar Association’s 2019 Annual Update on Human Rights on May 29, 2019.
Human Rights in Recruitment
Amanda Boyce, Stringer LLP
Omar Ha-Redeye, Omar Ha-Redeye Professional Corporation
Oren Barbalat, SpringLaw
Moderator: Samia Hussein, DesJardinsUnderstand key human rights considerations that exist
before the employment relationship starts and are affected
by broader social and technological advances, which affect
rights entitlement:
- Use and challenges of artificial intelligence in the
recruitment process- Strategies for ensuring artificial intelligence complies
with human rights codes- Avoiding recruiting errors that perpetuate
discrimination and exclusion- Role of lawyers in advising clients on best practices in
hiring while advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
principles- Protected ground of citizenship as substantive law:
Haseeb v Imperial Oil 2018 HRTO 957- Advice for complying with immigration/human rights
codes when hiring