Posts by admin

Monica Goyal for 2011 Bencher

Monica Goyal for 2011 Bencher

See also, Issues Facing Articling Students and Young Lawyers.

Social Media Implications of Bill-C28

Social Media Implications of Bill-C28

Could you be charged with up to $10,000,000 as a corporation for adding someone on Facebook? How about if you...

Hacktivism in Egypt

Hacktivism in Egypt

Hacktivism = hacking + start-up mentality + social cause See the article by Saad Khan on hacktivism in Egypt.

Charlie Sheen’s $100 Million Claim

Charlie Sheen’s $100 Million Claim

Charlie Sheen Lawsuit Over Two and a Half Men Firing Read more at Slaw.

The Value of the “Inter-Web”

The Value of the “Inter-Web”

Mark C. Robins mentioned Omar Ha-Redeye on The SMB Collective: I recently attended the “OBA Institute 2011” as a guest...