Posts by admin

Social Media Slides Posted

Social Media Slides Posted

The slides from the social media session last week have been linked to or posted on Slaw, Law is Cool,...

Is Proruge the ‘New Black?’

Is Proruge the ‘New Black?’

Jaclyn Greenberg of covers posts on why prorogue is a bad idea, And today, my buddy over at Law...

They’re Talking about Me at the Legal Water Cooler

They’re Talking about Me at the Legal Water Cooler

Heather Milligan was looking for suggestions on social media networks lawyers might want to consider.  She links to our About...

Exam Time

Exam Time

There are lots of updates needed for this site to reflect various activities and contemporary political changes, but they’ll have to...

Teaching Social Media at Schulich

Teaching Social Media at Schulich

Omar taught a class of seasoned marketers on social media tools and techniques in the political sphere. Social Media And...