Posts by admin

Interviews with Stephen Fine and Daniele Rossi

Interviews with Stephen Fine and Daniele Rossi

Omar published a podcast interview with Stephen Fine of Alternative Lawyer Jobs and Daniele Rossi of Stuttering is Cool. The...

Forensic DNA in the Canadian Criminal Justice System

Forensic DNA in the Canadian Criminal Justice System

George R. Carmody, PhD, Adjunct Research Professor, Carleton University, spoke today at the law school on “Forensic DNA in the...

SALSA Lunch at Massey’s

SALSA Lunch at Massey’s

The South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) at UWO had a lunch at Massey’s today.

The Omar Ha-Redeye Kettle

The Omar Ha-Redeye Kettle

Omar Ha-Redeye donated a brand new kettle to the law school. The announcement went out with this message: I hereby...

University of Western Ontario Senate Approves Transition to Juris Doctor (J.D.)

University of Western Ontario Senate Approves Transition to Juris Doctor (J.D.)

Last year the student body at UWO Law voted in favour of changing the degree designation from LL.B. to J.D. ...