Canadian Constitution Foundation 2009 Conference
Canadian Constitution Foundation held its Third Annual Law Conference on Race, Religion, Equality and Freedom: Current Canadian Legal Controversies.
The first panel was titled, Is there a human right to be free from offence?
Debating the restrictions on free speech in human rights legislation
Grant Huscroft, University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law
Richard Moon, University of Windsor, Faculty of Law
Philippe Dufresne, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Ottawa
The second panel on Intellectual property law featured Howard Knopf of Macera & Jarzyna, and Richard Owens of Stikeman Elliot LLP.
The third panel addressed, The legal status of polygamy
Debating whether polygamy should be a Criminal Code offense
Martha Bailey, Queens University, Faculty of Law
Nicholas Bala, Queens University, Faculty of Law
Lorraine Weinrib, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
Bradley Miller, University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law
Keynote speaker over the lunch was Supreme Court of Canada Justice Louis LeBel.

Justice Louis LeBel of the Supreme Court of Canada
An afternoon panel looked at the recent decision in R. v. Kapp, Racial equality, aboriginal rights, and Section 15
Dwight Newman, University of Saskatchewan, College of Law
Bryan Finlay, Weir Foulds LLP, Toronto
Craig Jones, Office of the Attorney General, British Columbia
Jonathan Kay, National Post, Toronto
The kenynote speaker over dinner was George Jonas of the National Post.