Kenney’s Bad News Reaches Vancouver
The Vancouver Moose picks up on a recent post regarding Minister Jason Kenney:
- Minister of Immigration blames the Immigrants:
So you see, if you’re an immigrant to Canada and you’re having a tough time, it’s really your fault, not the government’s. Min. Kenney seemed oblivious to the acute xenophobia towards these immigrants, and denied that there have been calls to bar certain groups from entry to Canada. He thought the British and Australian immigration models (and responses) was something we should emulate.
Last year marked the 100th Anniversary of the Continuous Passage Act,
…THEREFORE the Governor general in Council is pleased to Order and it is hereby Ordered that, … immigrants may be prohibited from landing or coming into Canada unless they come from the country of their birth, or citizenship, by a continuous journey and on through tickets purchased before leaving the country of their birth, or citizenship.
Wednesday, 8th Day of January, 1908
This deliberately racist Act stayed on the books and was enforced all the way until 1947.
Just in time to commemorate the progress we have made in Canadian society, our Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism reminds us that the fight against xenophobia continues, and we must forever remain vigilant against those that would clothe racist laws in what they purport to be bona fide immigration requirements.