Legal Analysis of Omar Khadr’s War Crimes Appeal

Omar Ha-Redeye on Sun News Network with Brian Dunstan discussing international law and Guantanamo Bay
Omar Ha-Redeye spoke to Anita Sharma and Brian Dunstan of Sun News Network on the prospect of Omar Khadr appealing his war crimes charges.
For more, see Slaw.
Tx for joining us, Omar. Great legal analysis re: Omar Khadr RT @omarharedeye: @anitasharma Great talking to you today @sunnewsnetwork
— Anita Sharma (@AnitaSharma) April 29, 2013
@ksofen @omarharedeye it helps to have a guest who is on point and erudite to boot.
— Brian Dunstan (@BrianDSNNWknd) April 29, 2013
@omarharedeye – You came off really well.Very well-spoken and articulate.I love intelligence.
— Karla Sofen (@KSofen) April 29, 2013
Recommended. RT @omarharedeye: The Legal Basis for Omar Khadr’s War Crimes Appeal
— David Akin (@davidakin) April 29, 2013