Increasing the Success of Your Firm through Diversity

Omar Ha-Redeye spoke on “Increasing the Success of Your Firm through Diversity” at the Law Society of Ontario’s 14th Annual Solo and Small Firm Conference on June 4, 2019.
Increasing the Success of Your Firm through Diversity (50 m EDI )
A diverse and inclusive workplace can help your law firm achieve a number of goals. When you draw on diverse backgrounds, your talent pool is bigger and you have a better chance to attract and employ the
right clients and staff. In turn, this creates a more innovative, creative atmosphere and enhances your\ firm’s reputation, which leads to a more successful and profitable firm as well as higher client and staff
satisfaction. Hear about ways to increase diversity in your workplace, starting with the resources and supports that are available to better understand these issues and workplace initiatives that you can
implement to help achieve a more diverse firm.
Moderator: Marian MacGregor, Executive Director of the Centre for Human Rights and Equity and Inclusion, York UniversityPanellists: Omar Ha-Redeye, Fleet Street Law
Laleh Moshiri, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Full agenda here.