Impact of Remote Trials on Marginalized Populations
Omar Ha-Redeye commented on the impact of having remote trials and hearings in the Toronto Star, in Inside Ontario’s first...
Omar Ha-Redeye commented on the impact of having remote trials and hearings in the Toronto Star, in Inside Ontario’s first...
Omar Ha-Redeye was interviewed on the Ontario Court of Appeal decision in R. v. Stone by John Schofield in The...
Alysha Hasham of the Toronto Star interviewed Omar Ha-Redeye in Legal Aid Ontario facing up to $70 million funding drop...
Mathieu B. Yuill interviewed Omar Ha-Redeye for his podcast, Leading With Nice, Episode Description Omar Ha-Redeye is the Executive Director...
Sandra Bekhor of Bekhor Management interviewed Omar Ha-Redeye in Post-pandemic law firm marketing (19 legal influencers chime in), Omar Ha-Redeye,...